The tenderloin outreach was amazing. Last night God sent 38 warriors onto what is known as "Satan's Playground". Praise God that where sin abounds, his grace abounds SOOO much more! The Lord moved, and people's hearts were touched that were out on the streets, and on our team. Praise God for everyone that came out from all across the state of California!
Last night I talked to a lady named Danielle. She needed her vision restored back on God. People in her life had let her down, and she'd been hurt. She couldn't understand why bad things happen in this world, and didn't have any joy. Gracie and I were able to tell her that she can put her trust back in Jesus and for her to call upon the name of the Lord. As she stayed around for hours, by the end of the night after talking to a couple more people on the team, and getting lots of the gospel and prayer-- Danielle was preaching to others out on the streets about what Jesus did, and sharing his love with a big smile on her face! Praise God for Danielle's vision being restored back to Jesus!
I was also really blessed last night with all of the worship that went on. Thank you Benny, Logan, Tori, Lauren, Cece, Josiah for not hiding your talents and submitting to the Lord in worship. Mostly thanks to Jesus, for letting us all be apart of what he is doing. It was soo good to meet new brothers and sisters in the lord, and see one another. Keep going for Jesus-- looking forward to the next outreach in SF! ~Maddie :)
you have blessed my heart for many years sister.. praise Jesus for your faithfulness.. amen.